Tuesday, July 28, 2009

22 Weeks

Today was pretty uneventful and stable which is a good thing in my situation. The babies heartbeats were strong, Baby A's was 160 and Baby B's was 140. You can visibly see the girls kicking my stomach which is pretty great. I slept pretty good and perhaps I'm just getting used to being at the hospital. I actually slept in until 8:30 a.m., after falling asleep around 11:30. The nice thing about last night was no one woke me up until 6:00 a.m.

Once I woke up I learned from my nurse that my doctor came in and checked on me at around 7:30 a.m. but decided to let me sleep. All I could think is the 20 different people who work at the hospital have no problem waking me up and here my doctor the one person I'd welcome waking me up let me sleep.

My doctor came back in the afternoon and it was nice because she just took some time out of her day just to chat with me and even told me a little bit about her life. She truly is a great person and doctor. She did tell me that each week they would do a CBC which is a blood test and what they were most focused on was my white blood count. I had my test this evening and everything was within normal limits and they were happy with the results because alot of times just being pregnant will result in a higher test result.

I'd have to say the most anxious time of the day comes everyday when they take my temperture to check for a fever which can be a sign for infection. I don't know about anyone else but my temp fluctuates anywhere from 98.3 to 98.9 throughout the course of the day. Lets just say I'm in a great mood for the next four hours its 98.3 and not so great when it gets to 98.9.

I also have a new found respect for nurses. I've never really been sick and have never stayed the night in the hospital before other then when I gave birth to Sloan. My nurses are amazing and upbeat and are taking such good care of me. Honestly the only people that work in the hospital that I like seeing is my nurses, a resident and my doctor.

As I get ready to go to bed, I would have to say all in all it was a very good day and one day closer.


Kim said...

So wonderful to hear you had a good day. And - OMG - you can see the babies kicking?! How cool is that?!

When I was in the hospital during labor and postpartum, I swear it was the nurses who got me through. They were all so sweet and gentle and caring, much more so than my doctor. (But thankfully you have a very sweet and caring doctor!) I love nurses!

Hope you have a peaceful night!

LIZ said...

Yes..every day is one day closer...just wake up every day thinking that!

I am happy to hear the blood tests looked good, the vitals are strong and the little gymnasts are active!

Take care and rest peacefully. See you on Saturday!

Dawn said...

You are getting so close...two more weeks to go...yeah!

Sharon McKinley said...

That is great news. Having good medical staff around helps. And yes, I can just hear you saying - these "other" sick people in the hospital get on my nerves! ;)