Unless you dress your boys in purple then the answer is baby girls!!! I could not be more excited, I secretly or maybe not so secretly wanted and prayed for girls. I wanted boys for Drew but I really, really, really wanted girls for me. Everytime I'm out shopping the girls section pulls me to it and the boys sections make me frown and be grumpy. I will also admit to this little secret, I can't even begin to picture me with boys, well at least not picturing me in a mental hospital for a few months.
Drew and I planned on getting pregnant and the news of twins was a shock but I thought, hmmm...perhaps a boy and a girl that would be nice. Then we went to our next ultrasound and we learned that the babies were identical which ruled out the boy and girl factor and the thought of two boys sent my heart racing and not in a good way. I know these babies are going to give me a run for my money but knowing I've been down the girl road before helps me ease my nerves a bit. Don't get me wrong I think boys are awesome, in fact, I married one but I don't know how I'd cope with one more unknown and this is seriously only because of my how my little OCD mind works.
Sloan is so excited she can't even stand it, she says she can't wait for them all to be best friends and to play dress up and to be each other's bridesmaids at each others weddings. I'm so excited that she'll have sisters to tell secrets to and to even bitch about me behind my back to!
As much as Drew wanted boys he is thrilled to death after seeing the ultrasound this morning. Baby A weighs in at 9 ounces and Baby B weighs in at 7 ounces. The doctor asked us if we'd be ok hearing the news that he only sees 2 perfect little girls in which we happily replied YES!
Notice the photo I posted, Sloan came to my appointment prepared, she wore a pink and blue striped polo so she could root for whatever team it ended up. We picked up these shirts on the way home because Drew saw them a few months ago and got a kick out of them, but please note, these shirts will be the only matching outfits these girls will wear, I will not be one of those mom's who put their kids in matching outfits, which probably gives you the next clue that the girls names won't rhyme and will not start with the same letter!
Our next ultrasound is in 4 weeks and will get more frequent after that, as I have mentioned before they want to keep a close eye on the weight gain of both girls to make sure they are both developing at the same rate but for today I have to say I'm about as excited as a girl can get!
Cloud HQ
9 years ago
Congratulations! Girls will be good for you all of you since you all know how to deal with them!
Is it now time to stop at BabyGap or Gymboree to buy some adorable little PINK outfits!
Oh, and how cute was that for Sloan to wear a pink and blue shirt!
Awesome. That is so exciting!
What's better than baby GIRLS??!?!?!? nothing :)
Girls rock plus they wear pretty clothes!
Thank you for vowing not to dress them alike or give them rhymey names. I think doing that is so much more creepy than cute!
And YAY for Sloan! I'm so excited she's getting sisters - finally!!!
Girls rule!! We all know that...thanks for adding a couple more to our ranks!! I am so excited!!!
When my sister, Bettyjane, and I were small people thought we were twins (we didn't look a thing alike, stupid adults) but mom made our clothes and would use the same pattern but different colors. This week all 4 of us girls got together and had a ball. Lucky Sloan to have sisters to be buddies with.
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