Monday, July 6, 2009

Week 20

I'm now in my 5th month of pregnancy and finally starting to look pregnant and not like a blobby fat tree stump. I am still feeling really great or at least I think I feel great until I try and do anything for longer then 20 minutes at a time. My appetite is still not great but I have managed to finish a few meals this month and today was actually the first time that I sorta snacked all day. My mother-in-law, Kris, totally caught onto my moving my food around my plate and placing a napkin over my barely eaten meals while we were visiting and Drew and Sloan have both threatened to tattle to my doctor about not eating enough.

The last week or so the pain in my stomach has become pretty noticeable and by the end of the night I am wiped out and it literally feels like my uterus is going to fall out. I doubt that will happen though because my doctor and my ultrasound tech told me what a great uterus I had. Which leads me to this question, how does one respond to that? Oh thank you, I've been working out?

Sleeping is another thing that has changed, I'm usually in bed early and I'm up even earlier, I rarely sleep past 7:30 a.m. Rolling over in bed is pretty funny too, I should charge admission to watch the walrus roll over, because that's seriously how I feel. I have also noticed that if I lay too long on one side my side really aches as if to tell me, just how much weight do you think one hip can support?

This all leads me to the most obvious observation, I'm only 20 weeks pregnant! A part of me wants my pregnancy to last and I want to enjoy every moment because this will be the last time I am pregnant, the last summer with Sloan and the last time I can have free time just for me for the next 10 years or so but I can't help but wonder how bad is this all going to get?

As always though, I feel blessed to have two healthy girls in my belly and I am really enjoying the fluttering around they're doing. Another perk is watching Sloan talk to the babies everyday and kissing my belly twice. All in all its really been pretty great!

Update: Ok after looking at my picture, maybe I still look like a tree stump!


Dawn said...

You definitely don't look like you are carrying twins!

Sharon McKinley said...

woo hoo - looking good!

Kim said...

Are you kidding me? That is TOTALLY a belly bump, NOT just a tree stump! You look amazing, Laurie - you just keep getting cuter & cuter!

I feel your pain with the sleeping issue. Don't worry - it'll get better soon. December is just around the corner! :)

LIZ said...

You look great in this picture! Get a few of those big body pillows to help you get more comfortable in bed. They had me all propped with pillows when I was in the hospital after my lung surgery and it really made a difference. You just have to keep shifting around.

That is absolutely adorable that Sloan kisses your belly twice! I'm lovin'it!

Marmie said...

It's about time you posted a picture. I'm looking forward to more?
I would have thought you'd be bigger. I looked like that at 3 months and only one babe. As soon as the doctor would confirm it I'd just pop out and would be maternity clothes by the time Joe got home from work. He never had to ask if my suspicions were true. He'd say "I guess you are!"