Sunday, August 30, 2009

Good News Bad News?!

I went to the doctor's for my follow up visit last week and as I expected the doctor told me that all my parts were back where they were supposed to be and physically I appear to be doing great.

We talked about why things might of happened and there are really no clear answers to why it happened. The girls were in perfect health and she believed the sac just broke which can happen when carrying multiples. She believes when the sac broke it caused the placenta to become infected which is why things ultimately went bad.

We talked about the possibility of us conceiving again and she told me there was some good news and bad news.

The good news is I was cleared for sexy time now. (Good news???)

More good news we could try having a baby in approximately 6 weeks. (The verdict is still out but yes good news.)

The bad news is if we conceived again we couldn't have "sexy time" for the entire time I was pregnant. (Bad news?)

She told me because I was a by the book pregnant woman that the next time around she was taking everything off the table that could possible cause anything to go bad (hence the no "sexy time" rule) and reassured me that the chances of what happened is less then the 1% chance of it happening in the first place.

On the emotional front, I feel like I'm feeling a bit better everyday, although there are times I break down for no apparent reason, it seems to come from left field, like a punch to the head. I'm heart broken about losing my girls but I'm trying very hard to look toward the future and concentrate and the many things I have to be thankful for, mainly my family and friends.

Anyways, if you try to get ahold of me in the next 6 weeks and you can't it probably means I have told Drew about the doctor's good news and bad news and he has locked me in our bedroom to take full advantage of what he thinks is bad news!


Dawn said...

Bow chicka wow wow....

LIZ said...

Iam so glad to see that your sense of humor has come back...this is a good sign!

You looked fabulous Saturday!! I had a really good time talking with you again.

Marmie said...

That would be Joe. The thought of locking me in would be a dream come true. Thank heavens, love is blind, he still thinks of me at 19.