Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Getting Good At His Job As Husband

I have not had my hair cut or colored since May. The cut part I can deal with the color part, not so much. I had an appointment in July but had to cancel the appointment because I was in the hospital. Thankfully I have an appointment tomorrow. Of course then comes the uncomfortable moment, one I hadn't thought of until I went for a pedicure yesterday.

I sat down yesterday for my pedicure and the lady asked me in her unbroken english, "oh you have baby already?" It didn't even dawn on me that I would have to explain the situation to people because I just assumed everyone knew. Talk about making someone feel awful, I think I felt more bad for the girl who asked me the question and I know I'll have to face that akward conversation tomorrow.

Anyways, I told Drew how excited I was to get my hair done tomorrow and he replied...

Drew: Laurie, I thought you were letting your hair grow long again?

Laurie: I am, but I have to get it trimmed but more important I have to get rid of all these gray hairs.

Drew: (Smirking) Oh, I thought those were highlights, I thought they looked good!

Laurie: Good answer smart ass but we still can't have sex for a couple more weeks!


Nansie said...

Haha! That's awesome. They try so hard, don't they?


Dawn said...

Not only is he a good husband, but he's a funny one too!