Monday, August 24, 2009

Good-Bye 1980's

This fireplace has stressed me out (ok everything stresses me out) since I moved into this house over 4 years ago (I know I've lived somewhere over 2 years) and finally it no longer looks like I need a hunter green camel back sofa with burgundy curtains with gold tiebacks in the room. I hated these black shiny bathroom tiles on the fireplace and its finally been re-finished with the slate tile I've been longing for since moving in.

Stay tuned my creepy Silence of the Lambs bathroom downstairs is almost done too! Its really like Christmas in August for me!!


Sharon McKinley said...

love slate. It looks gorgeous.

Dawn said...

Your fireplace looks great. I'm right there with you about stressing over the house. I've been in my house for a year and haven't decorated one single room yet...hopefully, soon.