I've finally hit week 12 on Monday, and isn't it funny how you just seem to breathe a little easier once you hit that milestone? I'm still pretty tired but the fatigue is improving, I'm proud to report that I've only taken 1 nap this week. Of course I'm still in bed by 9:00 p.m. every night and last night I was actually too tired to pick up the phone to say good night to Drew, who is in Chicago. Sadly, I sent my husband a good night txt last night! I'm so happy that I haven't suffered from any morning sickness but I seem to be very particular about what I want to eat and it changes day to day. Last night I had to have a salad, the day before I had to have lobster ravioli. For the most part nothing sounds good and if I do eat by the third bite it feels like I just finished up a whole box of Oreos. Sloan and Drew are constantly telling me to finish my meal.
What is funny about having twins is my doctor has told me to stop my normal exercise routine at the Y and to only walk and after my little scare last week she said no sex for 2 weeks and finally she told me to not go crazy and eat unhealthy but its terribly important that I eat, eat, eat!! You'd think this be every woman's dream but I'm wired to want to do the opposite of what people tell me and as I mentioned before I get full so quickly it just feels wrong to finish all my food, I mean haven't we always been told to stop eating when we feel full?
I seriously can't complain a bit though, my family and friends have been so amazing and all the positive and nice things everyone has said makes me excited I get to share this time with them. I am truly blessed!
Note: The bump in the back is obviously still bigger then the bump in the front!!
Cloud HQ
9 years ago
You can only at as much as your body allows. You are going to have less and less room as the babies grow. I can't wait to see more pictures!
P.S. I think my back bump was still larger than my front bump when I delivered!
If you can't eat quantity....eat quality... and try smaller meals throughout the day instead of the requisite breakfast/lunch/dinner. Lots of fresh healthy organic stuff, smoothies, milkshakes, good chocolate. Make sure you get a variety of foods including enough protein, and try not to eat the same thing every meal just because it is the only thing that sounds good.
Both Dawn and Liz are right. You're not going to have much room for food with those babies taking over your body, so you won't be able to eat much at a time. Instead of eat, eat, eat, think nibble, nibble, nibble!
You look awesome! I'm so excited about this and feel very blessed to be a part of your life and have you share this with me! I'm a lucky friend!
Does organic chocolate milk count? I've drank this sometimes (ok alot) with a banana when I can't eat a real meal! (:
Organic chocolate milk and a banana are perfect!! In fact I am now craving that for my next bedtime snack!!
not much of a bump for 12 weeks
There's a bump there mom, you just can't see it cause you're focused on the big bump in the back!
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