Drew, Sloan and I went to dinner last night and afterwards went grocery shopping at Marsh. When we got there we noticed a few Expectant Mom parking spaces and Drew and Sloan got totally excited and proceeded to park in one of the spots. I told them there was no need to park there and I was perfectly capable of walking an extra 10 feet. But noooooo they wouldn't have anything to do with that! Personally, I think these spots are going to come in handy once I have 2 babies to cart around!
So I ask you, good husband and daughter or lazy husband and daughter????
Cloud HQ
9 years ago
I can see that those parking spaces will TOTALLY get abused. I can't tell on some of these chicks whether they are expecting a baby or just expecting their next meal (remember how I insulted my neighbor that one time). I can just see you swinging your LouisV at some fat chick fighting for (and winning) your mommy-to-be parking spot! That would be a Jen Lancaster moment!!!
Actually I'd hit them with one of my Marc Jacobs, they're much heavier and could cause way more damage!!
I freakin' LOVED those spaces when I was pregnant. They were great in the first trimester when I felt too tired and sick to even get out of the car, and they were wonderful in the last trimester when my back felt like it was going to snap at any given moment. Second trimester I did ok with walking those extra 10 feet, though!
I never used those spots when I was pregnant because I saw them being abused by lazy people at Babies R Us. I always figured that there was someone that needed it more than me. However, I sure did use them when I had to carry around a baby seat. Those are too heavy to carry for more than a few feet...and just think you will have two!
Drew and Sloan are fun people. Joe always asks me if I'm expecting yet.
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