Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NOT to be Included In My Design Portfolio

One of my to do's this summer is to put my photos into some sort of order and I'm finding some embarrassing things! These photos are of my very first apartment way back in 1991 when I was only 21 years old. I loved my place and was so proud of it and it was all mine! I was finishing up college at the time and working at Schoop's Hamburgers as a waitress and also at Fieldcrest Cannon as a salesperson. Basically, I was broke but looking back I have to admit it was one of the happiest times of my life.

My apartment was tiny and my decorating budget was small but because I worked at Fieldcrest Cannon I had Ralph Lauren and Royal Velvet Towels and 310 thread count sheets! I personally love my cow-themed kitchen but I think the piece that will probably be showcased in Dwell Magazine next month is that fancy headboard of mine in the bedroom!

I'd like to think my style has evolved a bit since these photos but I haven't gotten to the photos of my previous houses yet. Stay tuned...


Kim said...

That is one fancy apartment! Actually, I can't make fun of you. In 1991, I was still living at home and had my bedroom walls plastered with NKOTB posters!

I was into cows, too. I would have loved your kitchen back then!

Dawn said...

Love it. My first apartment was decorated in brass, including my bed!

You sure don't strike me as a cow kind of girl! LOL

Laurie from Laurie Jones Home said...

Actually my father-in-law bought me a cow nic nac for a housewarming gift and I adored him and it kinda went from there. The cow phase only lasted the year I was in the apartment! (:

Brass was hot in the '90's Dawn!