Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Nice Try!

It seems the older we get the more we eat at home. I never thought I'd say this but I actually enjoy staying home and having dinner with the family every night. The downside to eating at home every night is there are always dirty dishes and for some reason I am the only one who knows where the dishwasher is. It never fails the moment I get all the dishes put in the dishwasher or put away I look in the sink to find new dishes waiting for me.

This morning after getting out of the shower I discovered new dishes in the sink that weren't there 15 minutes before. I can't help but think where are this dishes coming from? Are they hiding them in the sock drawer? Enough is enough right? So before I left to drop Sloan off at school I left a note for Drew on the sink that read:

Please start putting your dishes in the big silver box next to the sink.

I arrived home before Drew saw the note and so I happened to be in the kitchen when he read it. This is our conversation after he read it.

Drew: Big silver box, what's that?

Laurie: Yea, I'm pretty sure I've never introduced you to this little machine but its amazing, it washes our dishes.

Drew: Yea, but you need to buy something or make something, afterall you're the interior designer to put on the dishwasher so I know if they are clean or dirty.

Laurie: Yes, you are right, I am the interior designer and that is the reason we're not going to put something on the dishwasher. How about this concept, open the dishwasher and look at the dishes. If they are dirty well its safe to put more dirty dishes in there.

Drew: (Grinning) Yea, I can never tell.

Laurie: Yea, right Drew, I'm thinking this is like how you ask me if you can cover a dish with aluminum foil and put it in the microwave everytime I ask you to help with dinner! Nice Try!!!


Kim said...

It's like that episode of "Simple Life" where Paris is purposefully screwing up all the chores so they won't ask her to do anything.

Men are like children, have I ever said that before? The more I meet, the more I'm convinced it's true. Boys never grow up!

LIZ said...

and I know how you are about kitchen magnets...obviously, that would never work on *your* diswasher ...unless it was an owl

Don't feel bad..we have a "dishes are clean" indicator light right there on the front panel..and Garry can't seem to read it..so he always has to ask *Men are like children*