Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cutest Puppy Ever!

Don't tell Lilly but I fell in love with another puppy! This is Robear my mom's teacup yorkie. We stayed at my mom's recently and Robear was my best buddy and even slept with me. The only thing was I didn't know he was sleeping with me and he's so little that when I noticed him smashed up next to me I could've sworn I smashed the dog in my sleep. Luckily I didn't. We had a fun time visiting my mom and my mom said her new puppy sat by the window after we left. We'll have to get back soon to get another puppy fix!


Kim said...

I think I might have to agree with you - what a little sweetie puppy wuppy face! I love the name, too!

Dawn said...

What big ears he has!

Marmie said...

I hope your mom doesn't live far away.