Lilly $160.00
Rug in back entryway $ 20.00*
Sloan's rubber eraser $1.00*
Sloan's stuffed animal $20.00*
2 pairs of socks $ 7.00*
Dining room blind knob .50*
My purse $50.00 * (Yes, I have a purse that cheap, it was from Silver in the City and I loved it)
Lilly's chew toys $70.00
Lilly's leash and collar $75.00
Lilly's food $30.00*
Total $433.50
*Eaten by Lilly!
Obviously we haven't gotten much back on our Lilly investment in fact it looks like we're a bit in the hole and we've only had her a month. We don't mind though cause she's really pretty darn sweet and pays us with puppy dog kisses.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Lilly 4 months Old
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 2:10 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 23, 2009
I'm A Magnet For Rude People
Sloan and I were getting ready to leave the Circle Center mall on Saturday when I remembered I did not have any cash for parking. I ran to the ATM and took out a twenty. I gave the parking attendant my twenty and here's our conversation.
Lady: Do you have something smaller then a $20.00? (The parking was $1.50)
Me: No I'm sorry.
Lady: she looks at me with disgust like I had just given her a hundred dollar bill covered in vomit.
Since I was with Sloan I made it a point to keep my mouth shut and thought maybe it was a good idea to look at Sloan because if I continued to look at this lady I knew I would ask her if there was a problem. The attendant takes a good 5 minutes to give me my $18.50 back. I'm pretty sure it probably took her that long to calculate what she actually had to give back to me. As she handed me my change she shook her head again with disgust with each dollar bill she gave me, not only did she shake her head she laughed at me to let me know she knew I was obviously pulling a fast one on her. Once she finished I looked at her and smiled and said thank you very much, have a great day.
As I pulled away and rolled my window up I looked over at Sloan and said:
Me: (In my most evil voice) BWAH HA HA HA, I have a $1.50 in my pocket and she will never know!!!!!
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 6:31 AM 2 comments
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Stolen from Facebook and Dooce but Still Fun!
My latest addiction has been facebook and one of the things people do is fill out silly questionnaires and post them. Another guilty pleasure of mine is a blog called Dooce and yesterday she answered the questionnaire that has been floating around on facebook but went into a little more detail so I thought I'd do the same thing because when Drew and I answered these questions the other night we seem to disagree on a few things and I thought my loyal readers (all 4 of you) could help me out!
What are your middle names?
MIne is Marie and Drew's is John. I guess I didn't have to tell you Marie was me and John was Drew, probably not too hard to figure out!
How long have you been together?
On and off and off and on and well you all know the drill...and apparently so does Drew because when I asked him this question he laughed and rolled his eyes at me, but its been almost 7 years. I know!
How long did you know each other before you started dating?
We met on a Saturday night and we went out on our first date 7 hours later, on Sunday.
Who asked whom out?
Drew asked me out but I picked him up at the bar on Saturday night with my smooth moves!
How old are each of you?
I'm 38 and holding on for dear life and Drew is 35, and I have no problem admitting that he looks way older then me!
Whose siblings do you see the most?
Well my sister passed away, so by default Drew's sister.
Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
Me, face it I'm complicated and brought a shit load of baggage into the relationship. Luckily, the longer we are together the easier everything gets, I think we are both extremely lucky to have one another, we're a great team. I'd like to think I only have a carry on bag at this point and of course a cute little Miu Miu bag!
Did you go to the same school?
No, he graduated from Valparaiso High School and I graduated from Hobart High School, he spent four years in the Marines and I went to Purdue University.
Are you from the same home town?
No but we lived close to one another, I grew up in Hobart, Indiana and he lived in Valparaiso, Indiana. I actually knew his sister for 4 years before even meeting Drew. She lived down the street from Sloan's grandma Kris. I never knew she had a brother.
Who is smarter?
I would have to say I'm more book smart although, I have to work super hard at school, Drew is smarter when it comes to the real world and the working world.
Who is the most sensitive?
Drew, I find him crying in the shower all the time. Ok, ok, maybe that's me! I try very hard to be a bad ass but I'm extremely sensitive and get my feelings hurt very easily. I'm not sure if Drew has feelings truth be told!
Where do you eat out most as a couple?
We really like to try new restaurants as much as possible so if I would have to pick one it would be a small little mexican joint by our house.
Where is the furthest you two have traveled together as a couple?
Las Vegas, and hopefully Ireland in the near future.
Who has the craziest exes?
I win this one hands down no doubt about it. I usually love to win, not so much this time. This was another question Drew laughed and just looked at me as if to say, are you really asking me this question????
Who has the worst temper?
Again, I win, wait its not good to win this one either is it? It takes alot to push my buttons but once the buttons are pushed everyone should watch out. I try to warn Sloan of this and you frequently hear in our house, you are getting close Sloan, do you really want to push it? Drew amazingly rarely gets upset it must have something to do with him not having any emotions!
Who does the cooking?
Me. Drew cooks a few times a year and everything he has made has been great, its very cute to watch him cook he is all about following the recipe, which I find amusing because Drew rarely follows directions with anything else. Also, when he does cook it usually means I get a new cool gadget or pan, because see above when following a recipe if it says 6 inch skillet and we have a 5 inch skillet, he is buying a 6 inch skillet.
Who is the neat-freak?
Hands down me, its an unhealthy obsession breaking out in a sweat if Drew's dresser drawer isn't pushed in or the toliet seat has not been put down. It is a source of amusement for Sloan and Drew.
Who is more stubborn?
This is where we completely disagree but I'm sorry, Drew is way more stubborn. I admit I have very strong opinions about things but I always cave to make people happy or to keep the peace. Drew is honestly the most stubborn man I have ever met in my life. This is where you guys are more then welcome to comment on.
Who hogs the bed?
He says I do but really he just doesn't like when I put my cold feet on him. He doesn't understand why I giggle everytime I do it to him and I don't understand why he gets pissed everytime I do it! Maybe its actually our new king size bed that has made our relationship so great lately.
Who wakes up earlier?
Drew. I would sleep until noon if I could then take a nap at 2:00; 6:00 and go to bed at 10:00. I love to sleep, Drew thinks sleep is a waste of time.
Where was your first date?
The Signature Room in Chicago, probably the nicest restaurant I've ever been to, its been downhill ever since.
Who is more jealous?
Drew. (Sorry babe!) But who can blame him I am a hot piece of meat and he works in IT with geeks, so not much for me to worry about, that and Drew is the most loyal and honest guy I've ever met in my life.
How long did it take to get serious?
Drew knew from our first date we'd get married, I fought him every step of the way. Now, I'm glad he fought for me. Let me quote my 18 year old sister when I say, "he's amazing!"
Who eats more?
Drew but he claims he has more tummy to fill! But when it comes to dieting he has way more willpower than me.
Who does the laundry?
Me. I know I'm lucky.
Who's better with the computer?
LMAO! Its the only time Drew loses his patience with me. He should cut me some slack though cause he's pretty freaking brilliant when it comes to that darn thing! Asking him a question about my hard drive is like him asking me who is Jonathan Adler.
Who drives when you are together?
Drew, always unless we are driving home from Chicago and he has to catch up on work. I hate when he has to catch up on work. Drew driving lets me catch up on my decorating magazines and as I mentioned above my sleeping.
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 11:08 AM 3 comments
Monday, February 16, 2009
Can You Tell The Difference?
Drew was very sweet and bought me the new 3G Iphone for Valentines Day. Nothing says I love you like technology. Truth be told, I'm a gadget dork, give me a fun new phone with lots of buttons to play with or a new Viking stove over sparkly earrings any day. Yes, I admit I am quite sad and even more dorky.
The first photo is Sloan and Lilly at Ellenberger park, its Lilly's first trip to the park near our house. The second photo is Sloan being all gangsta like, in her most done pose whenever I take a picture of her. I don't have the heart to tell her, being 10, white, sitting in the back of an Acura wearing a northface jacket doesn't really make you all that bad.
The post today is really if I can tell the difference between my two phones, because I hate to admit it I think the iPhone (the original one) takes crappy photos, regardless how cute the people in the photos are!
Update: Oh Drew is getting a big smooch, my new iPhone's camera rocks!
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 12:45 PM 2 comments
Friday, February 13, 2009
Sweet Bargain Hunting Skills
I'm always excited when I run across a good sale at one of my favorite stores. Truth be told, I rarely ever pay full price for anything. My sweet new placemats from Pottery Barn are no exception, I picked these up for the low price of $1.99.
Too cute!
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 6, 2009
Thinking of Warmer Weather
I thought I'd post a few photos Sloan took a few weeks ago when her girl scout troop visited the Garfield Park Conservatory. I let her borrow my camera that day and when I downloaded her pictures I was very surprised at how beautiful her photos turned out. Maybe I should ask her for some tips because my photos never seem to turn out this nice!
In some ways she is very much like her mom though, when I asked her how the event went she said, the flowers were really pretty but it was way too hot in there. I said geez, Sloan it's 15 degrees outside you'd think you'd love that it was warm in that place. I'm totally like her though, when its summer I want it to be cold and right now I'll I can think of is, man, I can't wait until its summer!
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 12:39 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
It's A Girl!
Sloan had a volleyball game on Saturday and after the game it was still a little too early to go to lunch so I suggested to Drew that we go to the Humane Society, you know to just "look." Well two hours later we walked out with a new addition to our family, her name is Lilly Jones!
I'm learning very quickly how much puppies are like babies, so far though babies are easier in many ways. Face it, a baby poops in a diaper and as gross as that may be its all contained in one place, a puppy however poops in her crate and rolls all over it. The fun part in all that, is she can't get completely wet for another 3 days because she was fixed and her stitches haven't dissolved yet. So another thing a baby wins with is that, a baby smells way better then our Lilly does right now!
Regardless, she's as a sweet as can be and I'm so happy we got her! Stay tune I'm sure they'll be lots of stories to tell!
Posted by Laurie from Laurie Jones Home at 4:39 PM 2 comments